10 Tips for Keeping Your Stovetop Sparkling Clean

10 Tips for Keeping Your Stovetop Sparkling Clean

You slave over a hot stove to prepare delicious meals for your family, but when the cooking is done and the food has been devoured, what’s left behind? A stovetop splattered with sauces and crusted over with burnt-on messes that seem impossible to remove.

Don’t despair. With a little elbow grease and these 10 tips, you can have your stovetop sparkling clean in no time. A clean stovetop not only looks better but works better, with burners heating more evenly and pots and pans having a smooth surface to sit on.

The secret to success is tackling spills and splatters before they have a chance to harden into stuck-on disasters. With these easy-to-follow tips, you’ll be whipping your stovetop back into shape in minutes and keeping it gleaming for the long haul. Your sparkling stovetop will make cooking that much more enjoyable and ensure your kitchen is always ready for its next culinary adventure.


Here’s Our 10 Tips for a Sparkling Clean Hob

Keeping your stovetop sparkling clean may seem like a chore, but with these tips you'll have it looking like new in no time.


1. Wipe up spills immediately

One of the most important rules for maintaining a spotless stovetop is to tackle spills as soon as they occur. Whether it's a sauce splatter or a boiling mishap, wiping up spills promptly prevents them from hardening and becoming stubborn stains. Use a damp cloth or paper towel to gently blot the spill before it has a chance to spread.


2. Use a degreaser

For stubborn, baked-on grease and grime, spray it with a degreaser and let it sit before wiping clean with a sponge or scrubber. A degreaser is specifically designed to break down tough grease and grime, making it easier to remove from your stovetop.


3. Use a Gentle Cleaner

When it's time for a deep clean, opt for a gentle stovetop cleaner that is safe for your stovetop's surface. Avoid abrasive cleaners or scouring pads that can scratch or damage the stovetop. Read the manufacturer's instructions and choose a cleaner that suits your stovetop material, whether it's glass, ceramic, or stainless steel.

When cleaning your stovetop, reach for a microfiber cloth. These soft and lint-free cloths are excellent for picking up dirt and grime without scratching the surface. Pair it with your preferred cleaner or even just water for a streak-free shine.


4. Use a hob scraper

For really stuck-on messes that refuse to budge, you may need to employ a hob scraper to tackle the debris. A hob scraper is a handy tool designed specifically for removing stubborn residue from stovetop surfaces. Here's how you can safely use a hob scraper without scratching your stovetop – just be very careful not to scratch the stovetop.

Before you begin using a hob scraper, make sure your stovetop is completely cool to avoid any risk of burns. Turn off the burners and allow them to cool down before proceeding.


5. Boil water

For a quick and effortless clean, harness the power of steam to loosen baked-on spills and grease on your stovetop. Boil a pot of water on the stovetop. The steam will help loosen baked-on spills and make wiping away grease and grime much easier.


6. Clean burner grates

Burner grates can accumulate layers of grease and residue over time. To clean them, remove the grates from the stovetop and soak them in warm, soapy water for a few minutes. Use a sponge or brush to scrub away any remaining grime before rinsing and drying completely. Rinse thoroughly and dry before placing them back on the stovetop.


7. Wipe down backsplashes

Don’t forget to wipe down any backsplashes behind or next to the stovetop. Spills and splatters often end up on backsplashes too.


8. Perform regular deep cleans

In addition to wiping up daily spills, perform a deep clean of your entire stovetop at least once a month or if there are any heavy-duty messes. Your stovetop will sparkle and you'll have a clean cooking space.


9. Employ Preventive Measures

Prevention is always better than cure. While cooking, cover your pots and pans with lids or splatter screens to minimize the chance of spills and splatters. This small step will significantly reduce the amount of cleaning required afterward.


10. Regularly Clean the Control Knobs

Don't overlook the control knobs on your stovetop! These can collect dirt and grime over time. Remove the knobs and clean them separately using a mild detergent or soapy water. Dry them thoroughly before placing them back on the stovetop.


Best Hob Cleaners and Oven Cleaners to Use

The right cleaners can make quick work of built-up grease and grime on your stovetop. For the hobs, look for a degreaser specifically for stainless steel or ceramic cooktops. Products with abrasives can scratch the surface, so avoid those. Spray-on foam cleaners are very effective and easy to use. Apply the foam, let it sit for several minutes, then wipe clean with a soft cloth or sponge.

For stuck-on messes in burner grates or drip pans, make a paste from baking soda and water and scrub with an old toothbrush before rinsing and drying completely. White vinegar is also great for disinfecting and cutting through grease. Fill burner grates or pans with undiluted vinegar and let sit before scrubbing and rinsing.

For ovens, commercial oven cleaners can be harsh and emit toxic fumes. As an alternative, try a natural citrus-based cleaner or make your own from baking soda, water, and lemon juice. Apply the paste to oven surfaces, let sit overnight, then wipe clean with hot, soapy water. For stubborn baked-on splatters, scrub with an abrasive sponge or scrubber. Rinse well when done and leave the oven door open to air out and dry completely.

With regular cleaning and the proper products, you can keep your stovetop and oven sparkling and prevent built-up grime. Keeping these appliances clean not only makes your kitchen shine but helps them function efficiently and safely.


Clean up right after cooking

As tempting as it may be to leave the dirty pots and pans until after dinner, make it a habit to wipe down your stovetop immediately after cooking. It will only take a few minutes but will save you from scrubbing caked on messes later.

Give your stovetop a quick once-over with a sponge or non-abrasive scrubbing pad to remove any splatters or splashes. For stuck-on bits, use a scraper or abrasive scrubber along with a degreasing dish soap. Rinse well with water and dry with a kitchen towel to prevent water spots. For gas ranges, be sure to wipe down the stovetop as well as the burners and any drip pans.


Deep clean regularly

In addition to post-cooking wipe downs, do a deep clean of your entire stovetop at least once a week or if there are any major splatters or spills. Pull out the burners and burner grates or electric coil elements and soak them in a degreasing solution. Use an abrasive scrubber to loosen caked on residue before rinsing and drying completely.

Scrub the stovetop surface, especially around the burners. For tough messes in hard to reach areas, use a toothbrush or scrub brush. Pay extra attention to the stovetop seal and knobs which easily collect grease and grime. Once everything is clean, reassemble your stovetop and do a final wipe down to leave your stovetop sparkling.

Keeping your stovetop clean after each use and doing regular deep cleans are the secrets to maintaining a spotless stovetop. While it may seem tedious, spending just a few extra minutes now will save you hours of scrubbing and make your stovetop shine for cooking your next meal. A clean stovetop also promotes kitchen safety and prevents fires, so take the time to keep your stovetop spick and span.


Scrub Those Grates and Burner Caps

Those grates and burner caps take the brunt of the mess when you’re cooking up a storm. Give them some extra love to keep your stovetop sparkling.

Remove the grates and burner caps and soak them in a degreasing dish soap for at least 30 minutes. For stubborn, baked-on messes, fill your sink with a solution of detergent and hot water. The longer they soak, the more easily the grime will wipe away. Use an abrasive sponge or scrubber to scrub off any remaining debris. For extra stuck-on bits, use a paste of baking soda and water and scrub with the abrasive side of the sponge.

Rinse all parts thoroughly with hot water to remove any remaining detergent residue. Dry the grates and caps completely to prevent water spots before replacing them on your stovetop. For an ultra-shiny finish, buff the grates with a tiny bit of olive oil on a soft cloth.

Keeping your grates and burner caps sparkling clean not only makes your stovetop shine but also allows for better heat conductivity and distribution when cooking.


Take It Apart

For a deep clean of your stovetop that will make it sparkle, it’s best to dismantle as many parts as possible. This allows you to clean each component thoroughly and wipe away built-up grime in all the nooks and crannies.

To start, remove your stovetop grates or burners and soak them in a degreasing solution. Let them soak in according to the product directions, then scrub off caked on messes with an abrasive sponge or scrubber. Rinse well and dry completely before putting them back in place.

Next, lift up your stovetop to access the drip pans or trays underneath. Pull out the drip pans and empty any grease that has collected. Scrub the pans with the degreaser and hot, soapy water. Use a toothbrush to clean the edges and crevices of the pans. Wipe down the area under the stovetop where the drip pans sit as well.

If your stovetop has control knobs, pops off knob covers or has removable burner caps, take those off and wash them in the sink with dish soap and water. Use a bottle brush or pipe cleaner to remove built-up gunk from the inside of the knobs and around the base.

For stuck-on messes around burner ports or on the stovetop surface, make a paste from baking soda and water. Apply the paste with a sponge or soft cloth and let it sit before wiping clean. Scrub gently to avoid damaging the stovetop finish.

Reassemble all parts once cleaned and dried. Take pride in your sparkling, deep-cleaned stovetop—your kitchen will feel fresh and rejuvenated! A clean stovetop also means safer, more effective cooking, so do a deep dive into the details and pull it apart for a thorough cleaning at least once a month. Your stove and your home cooking will thank you.



And there we are, 10 simple tips for keeping that stovetop of yours sparkling clean. With a little elbow grease and these helpful hints, you'll be whipping up meals with pride knowing your stovetop is spotless.


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